On today’s installment of From Panel to Play, we’re talking about the man who shows how, if you have some indestructible arm-whips and a bunch of death spores, carbonadium sickness doesn’t have to get you down. It’s Omega Red!
A figure with a mysterious past, not much is known about the origins of Arkady Rossovich except that he was a serial killer born in Russia during the Cold War. After his capture by Interpol, he was handed over to government officials who wanted to create a new kind of super-soldier: Omega Red.
Omega Red has two retractable carbonadium tentacles in his arms, a metal alloy developed by the government as a malleable form of adamantium. Using the metal appendages, he grabs targets and drains their life force. Without this ability, Omega Red would quickly die, as the carbonadium implants are poisoning his system. He needs to drain victims in order to sustain his taxed immune system, making him a prolific and dangerous killer.
Omega Red’s miniature showcases his innate weapons with a dramatic flair. Extending from his wrists, his deadly tendrils sweep around his body in elaborate, organic shapes. His outfit is a classic one, with all the pouches and straps you’d expect from a villain who first appeared in the early 90s!
Omega Red is a deadly opponent on the tabletop thanks to his signature metal tendrils and mutant abilities. He can reach out and touch someone with his basic Carbonadium Coils attack, which in addition to having a decent Range 3 and Strength 5, allows him to drain the life of his target, removing 1 damage if he inflicts damage on his target. Of course, he can also unleash the appropriately named Red Terror for 4 Power, a Strength 7 attack which he can choose to be either a Physical or Energy attack. Red Terror gets even scarier thanks to the Absorb Essence special rule. If Omega Red rolls a wild in his attack, he can change one of the defender’s successful defense dice into a failure and gains 1 Power for each die he flips in this way!
Of course, Omega Red’s carbonadium coils aren’t just for whipping people and draining away their life. They’re also useful for snaring targets and pulling them in close! And close is a terrible place to be when you’re talking about Omega Red thanks to his Death Spores innate power, which Poisons characters within Range 2 of him when he ends his turn, or characters who end their turn within that range.
We can hear you saying, “Poison isn’t great to have, but I can deal with losing 1 Power!” Ah, but that’s before you consider Omega Red’s active power Death Factor. For 2 Power, once per turn Omega Red can inflict 2 damage to all Poisoned characters within Range 2 in the order of your choosing. No fancy martial arts or defensive dice can protect them, either!
If you’d like to learn more about the menace of Omega Red, be sure to check out his full rules when they become available, and don’t forget to pre-order your own copy of the Omega Red Character Pack from your local gaming store or our website. Until then, this has been Atomic Mass Transmissions’ first look at this deadly and dastardly villain.
Atomic Mass Transmissions, signing off!
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